A small body is more than able to make an impact on the world. Not because we are capable, but because God is a big God and He is more than able to make a big impact on the world.


Our Beginning

All of the original leaders were serving faithfully at churches in 2014.  Simultaneously, a group of believers in Bellevue, WA and in Tokyo, Japan believed that they wanted a different kind of church. They began to read Scripture about the early church and made a conscious decision to take the Bible literally and  do and expect what they saw in the early church. They met together, ate together, prayed over the sick, helped the marginalized and the homeless, and most importantly they consciously waited on the baptism of the Holy Spirit before moving forward to start church planting.

Within the first year, the two churches decided to be part of the same church leadership structure and share the name "Friends Church".


“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”

— John 15:13


Most of the first two years in Seattle and in Tokyo were spent worshiping God, and seeking God about what kind of church we should be, and praying for revival. We did not make an ad campaign with a logo. We did not start a children's ministry or ask people to leave their churches to join our "start-team." We also didn't start a dating club or put on a rock concert. Our kids participated in the main service with the adults.

Then, in 2016, we were contacted by a long time minister in India who wanted to partner up and start a church in India. Quickly, the two existing small congregations were pulling together all of their resources--both human and monetary--to start a growing church largely of impoverished people in marginalized communities. We've pulled together to educate the children with volunteer teachers and to deliver nutrition packages to the children in the most need.  Many of the regular attenders in Seattle have made trips to India--using their own funds--to pray for people, preach the gospel, and encourage the Body.


Then it spread...

Opportunity in Seattle.

Everyone is welcome. If you have just recently been exposed to the gospel or are just thinking about it, you are welcome. There is no special way to dress or act. You can just come.  We like everyone.  One of the best parts about being extremely multicultural with a wide variety of age groups is that we have the best pot-lucks.

We are still young as a church. At the moment someone leads music with a guitar and the kids often help out and sing up front. One of the elders shares the message. Frequently, prayer requests are shared.  There are many areas where we need people who are interested in doing ministry. We need a couple to teach Bible to the children.  We need someone who can serve in transportation and give rides to the people without cars. And we have an open attitude towards individuals helping out with music.

It is great to be part of a church-start if you and your family want to "give" more than you "get." The biggest thing a church start can provide is an opportunity for everyone to fulfill their calling to personally to help spread the gospel both locally and globally.

It is not a social club. Since church starts are small, they are not a good place to sit and be entertained.  Of course we each care for one another, but church is not primarily a place to focus on our own needs. One should never choose to be part of a church start because you didn't like your previous church.  It doesn't work that way.  One should choose to be part of a church start because you want to spread the gospel that you learned at your previous church.

It is a church to go-out and be challenged.